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Public rate : €19,500 tax included
Enterprise rate : €26,370 tax included
With this invaluable offer, you benefit from:
✨ 10 2-day seminars, i.e. 160 hours of learning and self-work
✨ Coachings carried out in seminars will be filmed and available / the drive
✨ Unique, exceptional tools with printed materials
✨ 40 weekly video-conferences of 1h30, via zoom, i.e. 60 hours to ask your questions about the tools learned during the seminar or about your coaching with your clients
✨ Your coaching, received or given, practiced with the other students will be supervised by Sylvie or Messia or Elia, to ensure the smooth running of the session and give you a 15-minute feedback on what was great, keys for axes improvement
✨ 8 group workshops of 3 hours each on the 8 Domains of Life, i.e. 24 hours
✨ 3 Book Club evenings of 2h30, Via zoom, i.e. 7h30 to deepen three works carefully selected by the teaching team and to draw from them, even to soak up the quintessence of these books
✨ The possibility of exchanging at any time with the trainer coaches thanks to the proximity with the speakers
✨ A Magnificence online agenda to ask for coaching
Exceptional VIP support included, individually, worth €13,000 Including tax with Sylvie Cantet including:
✨ 10 coaching sessions of 1h15 each on the area of life of your choice
✨ 8 Workshops of 3 hours each, on the 8 Areas of Life, i.e. 24 hours of workshops
✨12 Hours on communication and/or Mindset, constructive thinking, (6 x 2h)
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