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Do you know these terms "Life Goal", "Soul Mission", "Purpose" (in English: reason for being, meaning, finality), "Telos" (in Greek: end, in the sense of ultimate goal, realization) or even the evocative "Personal Legend" of the writer Paulo Coelho in The Alchemist? The Mission of Life therefore designates both the purpose of your existence and also encompasses the meaning it gives to your Life. Extensive program!

The Mission of Life is the call we feel to bring to others, to serve humanity, and it is expressed in a unique way for each individual, through activities they love, leading them to its full realization. It is therefore both turned towards the other and towards oneself, in a fruitful balance.

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Today in coaching, the Mission of Life we ​​go to the end
"vocation", etymologically a call, to allow an individual to find or rediscover an occupation that gives him a sense of accomplishment. Coaching tends to lead you towards this saving balance and towards more professional fulfillment, but also in your other spheres of life. A meaningful life encompasses the totality of who you are.

It is not because the concept "Mission of life" is foreign to you, that you are not already realizing it. You are therefore perfectly right to be looking for it to feel the fullness of a life that makes sense on a daily basis. The good news, if you feel stress because you have not identified your life mission, reassure you: you are in the right place. For you, my daughters Messia, Elia and I, we created the Life Mission seminars - MdV1 and MdV2 - in 2017, with the sole purpose of allowing you to discover it in depth.


Life Mission, it is the time of a weekend, a small group of about ten people, meets for a time of introspection and sharing, in a benevolent and playful atmosphere. Revealing yourself, over two days, to others but above all to yourself, to discover what drives us deeply and makes us feel alive. The size of the group allows for real personalized support and ensures that each participant leaves with the answers to their questions.

Three trainer coaches are at your disposal and provide you with personalized and specialized support, while taking advantage of the synergy of the group to surpass yourself and go further than you would have thought possible.

On the program: theoretical content, always followed by practical exercises, coaching time and emotion over the sharing and echoes that are made in each other, and above all the guarantee of leaving with clarity. on your Life Mission. It's like a big puzzle that we will assemble together during these two days: come and dump your pieces on the table, I guarantee that once ordered they will form the most beautiful of landscapes.

Since their creation, many MDV1 and MDV2 seminars have allowed individuals to reconnect with their deep "Why" and create the life that suits them. From Paris to Brussels, even passing through Bali, human beings left transformed, with new energy and a clarified mission.

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For you, my daughters Messia, Elia and I, we created the Life Mission 1 and 2 seminars - MdV1 and MdV2 - in 2017. Since their creation, many MDV1 and MDV2 seminars have enabled individuals to reconnect with their "Why" deep and to create the life that corresponds to them. From Paris to Brussels, even passing through Bali, human beings left transformed, with new energy and a clarified mission.

Since their creation, many MDV1 and MDV2 seminars have allowed individuals to reconnect with their deep “Why” and create the life that suits them. From Paris to Brussels, even passing through Bali, human beings left transformed, with new energy and a clarified mission.

Referent coach/trainer 

Sylvie Cantet

Life coach and trainer

Occasional SPEAKERS

Messia Cantet

Life coach


Life coach

Elia Cantet

Participants' point of view

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