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Public rate : €13,800 tax included
Enterprise rate :  €17,580 tax included

With this offer of considerable value, you benefit from:

✨ 10 2-day seminars, i.e. 160 hours of learning and self-work

✨ The coaching sessions carried out in seminars will be filmed and available / the drive

✨ Unique, exceptional tools with printed materials

✨ 40 weekly video conferences of 1h30, via zoom, i.e. 60 hours to ask your questions about the tools learned during the seminar or about your coaching with your clients

✨ Your coaching, received or given, practiced with the other students will be supervised by Sylvie or Messia or Elia, to ensure the smooth running of the session and give you a 15-minute feedback on what was great, keys for axes improvement

✨ 8 group workshops of 3 hours each on the 8 Domains of Life, i.e. 24 hours

✨ 3 Book Club evenings of 2h30, i.e. 7h30 to deepen 3 works carefully selected by the teaching team and to draw from them, even to soak up the quintessence of these books

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✨ The possibility of exchanging at any time with the trainer coaches thanks to the proximity with the speakers

✨ A Magnificence online agenda to ask for coaching

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