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If you could connect every day to the visions and projects that inspire you, how would your life change? 
If there was a way to keep your goals and dreams in sight, what difference would it make in your daily life? 
If you could maintain a high level of energy and motivation and end procrastination, what impact would that have on your progress?

There is a great tool, which not only allows this but also to initiate the realization of your dreams. This is the Dream Board, also called the Visualization Board or Vision Board. 
It is a canvas on which you will be able to visually represent the dreams you have in the short/medium/long term for your life, and thus allow you to transform them into a clear vision.

During the Tableau de Rêves Workshop, you will be accompanied individually by Sylvie Cantet. This is a unique time that you take for yourself, to allow yourself to dream big and to go for what is important to you.
At first, Sylvie will accompany you to let emerge the dreams and visions that come from you. Not those of society, not those of your parents, or your partner: yours! It's a moment of authenticity, where you will find answers for every area of your life. There are 8 in total: Family, Couple, Health, Professional, Spirituality, Finances, Mental, Social. What to leave with a clear vision of what you really want.

In a second step, you will make your Dream Board together. This is an opportunity to reconnect with your creativity and take as much pleasure in designing it as in admiring it at home. Indeed, you will leave with your Painting, which will allow you to maintain this unique connection that will be established between you and your visions. Thanks to the methodology transmitted by Sylvie, you will then be able to modify it throughout your life, as your visions materialize and evolve.

Referent coach/trainer 

Sylvie Cantet

Life coach and trainer

Pascale, January 2022, Dream Big

"Thank you for your rich and fulfilling support this year. And thank you to the stars who guided me to you."

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